A closer Look at Fields

Fields are the basic building blocks of a Schema. Even though lima fields follow only the most basic protocol, they are rather powerful.

What Data a Field presents

The PersonSchema from the last chapter contains three field objects named first_name, last_name and date_of_birth. These correspond to a person object’s attributes of the same name. What if our model didn’t have an attribute date_of_birth but an attribute birthday instead?

To get the data for our date_of_birth field from the model’s birthday attribute, we have to tell the field by supplying the attribute name via the attr argument:

import datetime
from lima import Schema, fields

class Person:
    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, birthday):
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.last_name = last_name
        self.birthday = birthday

person = Person('Ernest', 'Hemingway', datetime.date(1899, 7, 21))

class PersonSchema(Schema):
    first_name = fields.String()
    last_name = fields.String()
    date_of_birth = fields.Date(attr='birthday')

schema = PersonSchema()
# {'date_of_birth': '1899-07-21',
#  'first_name': 'Ernest',
#  'last_name': 'Hemingway'}

Providing attr is the preferred way to deal with attribute names differing from field names, but attr is not enough for some other cases. What if we can’t get the information we need from a single attribute? Here getters come in handy.

A getter in this context is a callable that takes an object (in our case: a person object) and returns the value we’re interested in. We tell a field about the getter via the get parameter:

def sort_name_getter(obj):
    return '{}, {}'.format(obj.last_name, obj.first_name)

class PersonSchema(Schema):
    first_name = fields.String()
    last_name = fields.String()
    sort_name = fields.String(get=sort_name_getter)
    date_of_birth = fields.Date(attr='birthday')

schema = PersonSchema()
# {'date_of_birth': '1899-07-21',
#  'first_name': 'Ernest',
#  'last_name': 'Hemingway'
#  'sort_name': 'Hemingway, Ernest'}


For getters, lambda expressions come in handy. sort_name could just as well have been defined like this:

sort_name = fields.String(
    get=lambda obj: '{}, {}'.format(obj.last_name, obj.first_name)

attr and get are keyword-only arguments - a relatively uncommon feature of Python 3 that the lima API makes heavy use of.

Keyword-only arguments

Keyword-only arguments can be recognized by their position in a method/function signature: Every argument coming after the varargs argument like *args (or after a single *) is a keyword-only argument.

A function that is defined as def foo(*, x, y): pass must be called like this: foo(x=1, y=2); calling foo(1, 2) will raise a TypeError.

It is the author’s opinion that enforcing keyword arguments in the right places makes the resulting code more readable.

For more information about keyword-only arguments, see PEP 3102

How a Field presents its Data

If a field has a static method (or instance method) pack(), this method is used to present a field’s data. (Otherwise the field’s data is just passed through on marshalling. Some of the more basic built-in fields behave that way.)

So by implementing a pack() static method (or instance method), we can support marshalling of any data type we want:

from collections import namedtuple
from lima import fields, Schema

# a new data type
GeoPoint = namedtuple('GeoPoint', ['lat', 'long'])

# a field class for the new date type
class GeoPointField(fields.Field):
    def pack(val):
        ns = 'N' if val.lat > 0 else 'S'
        ew = 'E' if val.long > 0 else 'W'
        return '{}° {}, {}° {}'.format(val.lat, ns, val.long, ew)

# a model using the new data type
class Treasure:
    def __init__(self, name, location):
        self.name = name
        self.location = location

# a schema for that model
class TreasureSchema(Schema):
    name = fields.String()
    location = GeoPointField()

treasure = Treasure('The Amber Room', GeoPoint(lat=59.7161, long=30.3956))
schema = TreasureSchema()
# {'location': '59.7161° N, 30.3956° E', 'name': 'The Amber Room'}

Or we can change how already supported data types are marshalled:

class FancyDate(fields.Date):
    def pack(val):
        return val.strftime('%A, the %d. of %B %Y')

class FancyPersonSchema(Schema):
    first_name = fields.String()
    last_name = fields.String()
    date_of_birth = FancyDate(attr='birthday')

schema = FancyPersonSchema()
# {'date_of_birth': 'Friday, the 21. of July 1899',
#  'first_name': 'Ernest',
#  'last_name': 'Hemingway'}


Make sure the result of your pack() methods is JSON serializable (or at least in a format accepted by the serializer of your target format).

Also, don’t try to override an existing instance method with a static method. Have a look at the source if in doubt (currently only lima.fields.Nested implements pack() as an instance method.

Data Validation

In short: There is none.

lima is opinionated in this regard. It assumes you have control over the data you want to serialize and have already validated it before putting it in your database.

But this doesn’t mean it can’t be done. You’ll just have to do it yourself. The pack() method would be the place for this:

import re

class ValidEmailField(fields.String):
    def pack(val):
        if not re.match(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+', val):
            raise ValueError('Not an email address: {!r}'.format(val))
        return val


If - depending on demand and developer time - lima ever gets deserialization support, sensible validation of incoming data would be a key component of this feature.

If you need full-featured validation of your existing data at marshalling time, have a look at marshmallow.

Fields Recap

  • You now know how a field gets its data (in order of precedence: getter > attr parameter > field name).
  • You know how a field presents its data (pack() method).
  • You know how to support your own data types (subclass lima.fields.Field) and implement pack()
  • And you know how to change the marshalling of already supported data types (subclass the appropriate field class and override pack())
  • Also, you’re able to implement data validation should the need arise (implement/override pack()).