Nested Data

Most ORMs represent linked objects nested under an attribute of the linking object. As an example, lets model the relationship between a book and its author:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name):
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.last_name = last_name

# A book links to its author via a nested Person object
class Book:
    def __init__(self, title, author=None):
        self.title = title = author

person = Person('Ernest', 'Hemingway')
book = Book('The Old Man and the Sea') = person

One-way Relationships

Currently, this relationship is one way only: From a book to its author. The author doesn’t know anything about books yet (well, in our model at least).

To serialize this construct, we have to tell lima that a Book object has a Person object nested inside, designated via the author attribute.

For this we use a field of type lima.fields.Nested and tell lima what data to expect by providing the schema parameter:

from lima import fields, Schema

class PersonSchema(Schema):
    first_name = fields.String()
    last_name = fields.String()

class BookSchema(Schema):
    title = fields.String()
    author = fields.Nested(schema=PersonSchema)

schema = BookSchema()
# {'author': {'first_name': 'Ernest', 'last_name': 'Hemingway'},
#  'title': The Old Man and the Sea'}

Along with the mandatory keyword-only argument schema, lima.fields.Nested accepts the optional keyword-only-arguments we already know (attr or get). All other keyword arguments provided to lima.fields.Nested get passed through to the constructor of the nested schema. This allows us to do stuff like the following:

class BookSchema(Schema):
    title = fields.String()
    author = fields.Nested(schema=PersonSchema, only='last_name')

schema = BookSchema()
# {'author': {'last_name': 'Hemingway'},
#  'title': The Old Man and the Sea'}

Two-way Relationships

If not only a book should link to its author, but an author should also link to his/her bestselling book, we can adapt our model like this:

# authors link to their bestselling book
class Author(Person):
    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, bestseller=None):
        super().__init__(first_name, last_name)
        self.bestseller = bestseller

# books link to their authors
class Book:
    def __init__(self, title, author=None):
        self.title = title = author

author = Author('Ernest', 'Hemingway')
book = Book('The Old Man and the Sea') = author
author.bestseller = book

If we want to construct schemas for models like this, we will have to adress two problems:

  1. Definition order: If we define our AuthorSchema first, its bestseller attribute will have to reference a BookSchema - but this doesn’t exist yet, since we decided to define AuthorSchema first. If we decide to define BookSchema first instead, we run into the same problem with its author attribute.
  2. Recursion: An author links to a book that links to an author that links to a book that links to an author that links to a book that links to an author that links to a book that links to an author that links to a book that links to an author RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

lima makes it easy to deal with those problems:

To overcome the problem of recursion, just exclude the attribute on the other side that links back.

To overcome the problem of definition order, lima supports lazy evaluation of schemas. Just pass the qualified name (or the fully module-qualified name) of a schema class to lima.fields.Nested instead of the class itself:

class AuthorSchema(PersonSchema):
    bestseller = fields.Nested(schema='BookSchema', exclude='author')

class BookSchema(Schema):
    title = fields.String()
    author = fields.Nested(schema=AuthorSchema, exclude='bestseller')

author_schema = AuthorSchema()
# {'first_name': 'Ernest',
#  'last_name': 'Hemingway',
#  'bestseller': {'title': The Old Man and the Sea'}

book_schema = BookSchema()
# {'author': {'first_name': 'Ernest', 'last_name': 'Hemingway'},
#  'title': The Old Man and the Sea'}

On class names

For referring to classes via their name, the lima documentation only ever talks about two different kinds of class names: the qualified name (qualname for short) and the fully module-qualified name:

The qualified name
This is the value of the class’s __qualname__ attribute. Most of the time, it’s the same as the class’s __name__ attribute (except if you define classes within classes or functions ...). If you define class Foo: pass at the top level of your module, the class’s qualified name is simply Foo. Qualified names were introduced with Python 3.3 via PEP 3155
The fully module-qualified name
This is the qualified name of the class prefixed with the full name of the module the class is defined in. If you define class Qux: pass within a class Baz (resulting in the qualified name Baz.Qux) at the top level of your module, the class’s fully module-qualified name is


If you define schemas in local namespaces (at function execution time), their names become meaningless outside of their local context. For example:

def make_schema():
    class FooSchema(Schema):
        foo = fields.String()
    return FooSchema

schemas = [make_schema() for i in range(1000)]

Which of those one thousend schemas would we refer to, would we try to link to a FooSchema by name? To avoid ambiguity, lima will refuse to link to schemas defined in local namespaces.

By the way, there’s nothing stopping us from using the idioms we just learned for models that link to themselves - everything works as you’d expect:

class MarriedPerson(Person):
    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, spouse=None):
        super().__init__(first_name, last_name)
        self.spouse = spouse

class MarriedPersonSchema(PersonSchema):
    spouse = fields.Nested(schema='MarriedPersonSchema', exclude='spouse')

One-to-many and many-to-many Relationships

Until now, we’ve only dealt with one-to-one relations. What about one-to-many and many-to-many relations? Those link to collections of objects.

We know the necessary building blocks already: Providing additional keyword arguments to lima.fields.Nested passes them through to the specified schema’s constructor. And providing many=True to a schema’s construtor will have the schema marshalling collections - so:

# authors link to their books now
class Author(Person):
    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, books=None):
        super().__init__(first_name, last_name)
        self.books = books

author = Author('Virginia', 'Woolf')
author.books = [
    Book('Mrs Dalloway', author),
    Book('To the Lighthouse', author),
    Book('Orlando', author)

class AuthorSchema(PersonSchema):
    books = fields.Nested(schema='BookSchema', exclude='author', many=True)

class BookSchema(Schema):
    title = fields.String()
    author = fields.Nested(schema=AuthorSchema, exclude='books')

schema = AuthorSchema()
# {'books': [{'title': 'Mrs Dalloway'},
#            {'title': 'To the Lighthouse'},
#            {'title': 'Orlando'}],
#  'last_name': 'Woolf',
#  'first_name': 'Virginia'}

Nested Data Recap

  • You now know how to marshal nested objects (via a field of type lima.fields.Nested)
  • You know about lazy evaluation of nested schemas and how to specify those via qualified and fully module-qualified names.
  • You know how to implement two-way relationships between objects (pass exclude or only to the nested schema through lima.fields.Nested)
  • You know how to marshal nested collections of objects (pass many=True to the nested schema through lima.fields.Nested)